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Luther Library                                                                                                                           

Luther Library provides book and non-book materials to support the curriculum and to encourage extracurricular interests. In addition to the physical collection of materials, the Library staff maintains access to an extensive collection of digital databases and online resources. The interlibrary loan service is another way to acquire materials not held in Midland’s collection. The Library hosts social and educational events and the Library staff is available for individual assistance to students and faculty. Policies, procedures, and basic information about the use of the facilities and materials may be found in the Student Handbook.

The Academic Resource Center (ARC)

The Academic Resource Center (ARC) is located in the northeast corner of Luther Library. The purpose of the ARC is to provide academic support through a variety of services. The ARC hires Learning Lab Consultants to help with multiple disciplines and offer exam review sessions for certain classes. In addition to the Learning Lab Consultants, the ARC offers Supplemental Instruction (SI) for traditionally challenging courses like accounting, anatomy & physiology, chemistry and psychology. SI sessions are offered three times per week for each course. The Writing Lab Consultants support students with all stages of the writing process. They review written work and help students become more confident writers. The Quiz Lab offers a secure testing environment for faculty and students.

The Writing Lab

Writing Lab Consultants provide one-on-one writing support for all members of the Midland community. Consultants work with students on a wide range of writing skills including:  thesis sentences, content, organization, and citations. Writing Consultants strive to empower confident, independent writers, who edit their own work.

Accommodation for Students with Disabilities                                                                

The Student Accommodations Office is located in Luther Library. The Student Accommodations Specialist works directly with students who have a documented disability and are seeking accommodations. Midland University complies with state and federal legislation addressing student accommodations and is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities. Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and The Americans with Disabilities Amendment Act of 2008 (ADA) assure persons with disabilities equal opportunities for access in programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance. Midland University is committed to providing an accessible learning environment and willingly makes reasonable accommodation for individuals with documented disabilities.

Upon acceptance to Midland, students seeking accommodation are responsible for notifying the Student Accommodations Specialist. Appropriate written documentation of disability is required and any accommodation provided is based upon individual need and existing academic requirements. All accommodation must be consistent with established academic requirements and standards of Midland University, and a student with accommodation continues to be responsible for his/her education and personal needs.

Midland University supports each student’s efforts to become a self-sufficient learner and encourages any student needing accommodation to seek support as early as possible. For further guidelines on accommodations, please contact the Student Accommodations Specialist and review the Student Handbook.

Career Studio                                                                                                                            

Midland provides career planning and job search services for use by all Midland students and alumni. The Career Studio has many resources available such as interest and values inventories; career and life planning guides; occupational and corporation information; resume, interview and job search skill building tools. Career counseling and periodic workshops are available to assist students in career planning and placement. Assistance with seeking part-time employment and internships is available. An emphasis is made to assist each student with assuring at least one internship experience while at Midland.

Student Life and Services                                                                              

Midland University encourages the growth of the whole student - mind, spirit, and body. While emphasizing learning both through instruction and study and co-curricular activities, the University provides spiritual, cultural, social, and recreational activities designed to develop all aspects of character and personality. This includes the opportunity for involvement in community governance. A wide variety of special interest organizations exist on the Midland University campus and are listed below. Further information about these organizations is available in the Student Handbook, which can be found within the Student Life section of the Midland website. A wide range of services and resources are provided by the University to assist students in all areas of intellectual, personal, spiritual, and physical development.

Co-Curricular Programs                                                                                                

Strong, varied co-curricular programs are offered at Midland to extend student learning beyond the classroom. Programs include, but are not limited to:

●       Varsity Intercollegiate Sports; Intramural & Club Sports

●       Student Government; Student Ambassadors; Student Leadership Team (LEAD); Student Orientation

●       Campus Ministries

●       Sororities & Fraternities

●       Vocal music; Instrumental music; Drama; Speech and Debate; Band; Chapel Choir; Choir; Clef Dwellers

●       Student Publications

●       Academic Clubs and Organizations: Chemistry Club, Criminal Justice Club; Midland Association for Science
and Health (MASH); Phi Beta Lambda – Students in Free Enterprise (PBLSIFE); Student Art Association;
Student Education Association; Student Nurses’ Association; Health Occupations Students of American

●       Social & Service Organizations: Beta Sigma Psi (Social Fraternity); Black Student Union (BSU), Campus Crusade
for Christ; Catalyst 4 Change; Circle K International (Service Organization); Colleges Against Cancer; Cultural
Unity; Fellowship of Christian Athletes; Greek Council; Inter-Fraternity Council/Inter-Sorority Council; Kappa
Phi (Social Fraternity); Midland Activities Crew; Midland University Gaming (M.U.G.); Non-Traditional &
Commuters Club; Phi Omega (Social Sorority); Pi Epsilon (Social Sorority); Short Attention Span (Improv Club);
Sigma Rho (Social Fraternity); Tri Phi (Social Sorority); Warriors to Warriors

●       Honor Organizations: Who’s Who; Alpha Lambda Delta (First Year Honorary); Alpha Psi Omega (National
Dramatic Honorary); Blue Key (National Honor Fraternity); Cardinal Key (National Honor Society); Dean’s List;
President’s List; Psi Chi (National Honor Society in Psychology); Sigma Tau Delta (National English Honorary);
Sigma Theta Tau International (Honor Society of Nursing)

Individualized Counseling Services                                                                            

A variety of services and programs are offered by the Office of Counseling. These services include individual counseling, workshops, consultation, and referrals. Services are provided without cost to all Midland University students. The Office of Counseling is located in the Olson Student Center. Appointments may be made in person or by calling 402-941-6449/ 402-941-6404.

Health Services                                                                                                              

A health information record is required from all newly enrolled students (including those in accelerated programs and graduate studies) upon acceptance to Midland for use by Student Health. Health records are maintained by this office. Student Health is required to meet medical standards set by the Nebraska State Health Department. See the Student Handbook for specific information. The Director of Student Health is available in the Olson Student Center at posted times while classes are in session. All student-athletes are required to submit proof of health insurance to the Student Billing Office, and all Midland students are expected to be covered by health insurance. Nursing students will have to verify insurance coverage (see the Nursing Handbook for more information). Any questions should be directed to the Director of Student Health.

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Midland University
900 N Clarkson St
Fremont, NE 68025
(800) 642-8382


Midland University Omaha
11213 Davenport St #100
Omaha, NE 68154
(402) 941-6226