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Course Types and Delivery Method                                                                                    

Courses with multiple students which meet to engage in various forms of group instruction under the direct supervision of a qualified instructor. These courses will meet at least 50 minutes per week per credit in-person and onsite. At least two hours of out of the class work is expected per credit.

An optional addition to a course under the direction of a qualified instructor. Discussion sections will meet 1 time per week for 50 minutes and are in lieu of the equivalent time of outside course work.

Courses with a focus on experiential learning under the direct supervision of a qualified instructor wherein the student performs substantive work in a laboratory setting during a 2- or 3-hour block of time. Laboratory sections are added onto courses for an additional credit.

Online Courses
Courses offered entirely online without any on­site, face-to-face meetings. These courses have the same learning outcomes and substantive components of a standard classroom/lecture course with an alternate delivery method. Contact time is satisfied by several means which can include, but is not limited to, the following: 1) Regular instruction or interaction with a qualified instructor once a week for each week the course runs; 2) Academic engagement through interactive tutorials, group discussions moderated by faculty, virtual study/project groups, engaging with class peers and computer tutorials graded and reviewed by qualified instructors.

Hybrid Courses
Courses offered in a blended (hybrid or mixed face-to-face) format with a roughly equal number of on­site face-to-face class sessions and online sessions, both containing direct interaction with a qualified instructor. Contact time is assessed using both on­site definitions (for the on­site portion) and online definitions as above (for the online portion). In all such instances, these courses must meet the total amount of instructional and student work time as the examples above even if delivered online or asynchronously.

By Arrangement
Courses of study where the qualified instructor will work with the student(s) to arrange meeting times which may or may not match the normal course schedule. In all such instances, such courses must match the minimum instructional time and minimum out of class student work per week using the examples listed above.

Independent Study Courses
Independent study involves scholarship and research above and beyond the departmental courses offered at Midland, providing students the opportunity to explore a specialized topic in depth. The student consults with a faculty supervisor and completes a written proposal form. If approved, the student pursues the study with minimal direction from the supervising professor. Independent study opportunities are available in all departments under a common course number. They may be proposed for one or more credits, although they are usually valued at three credits.

Grading can include sharing the results of the study with the campus community in the form of reports to classes, research papers filed in Luther Library, papers delivered to departmental faculty and students, recitals, shows, or other similar means of dissemination. Independent studies will be offered at the discretion of the program and Academic Affairs.

Directed Study Courses
Directed study involves completion of regular catalog courses at times other than when offered by the department, providing students the opportunity to resolve scheduling conflicts. Since the mode of instruction is frequent conferences and “one-to-one” private tutoring between instructor and student, which significantly affects the instructor’s time, directed studies are purposely held to a minimum. The student consults with the instructor who normally teaches the course and, if approved, prepares a full written proposal form for review by Academic Affairs. Directed studies may not be taken to meet general education requirements. No more than six hours of directed studies will count toward graduation. In addition, a student may not use a directed study to replace a grade for the same course failed previously. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 is required to enroll in a directed study. Directed Study courses must be graded on the A-F scale.

Internships are carefully planned, supervised work experiences for which the student may earn academic credit. Some departments may require students to complete an internship. They generally are completed in three credit blocks to a maximum of nine credits for the baccalaureate degree. The primary purpose is to provide students an opportunity to apply and extend the theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom to a practical work experience. Secondary benefits include the opportunity to test one’s suitability to a vocational field, promote marketability, and establish contacts with prospective employers.

In an internship, the:

⮚      Student intern will obtain practical work experience under professional supervision and guidance.

⮚      Student intern will synthesize classroom learning and the internship experience.

⮚      Student intern will demonstrate professional skills and demeanor.

Internships are available in all departments under the common course numbers 599 or 699. They are open to all Midland students via a written proposal form with approval/rejection from the department asked to grant the credit and Academic Affairs. Internships may carry variable credit, with a minimum of 45 clock hours under the direction of the host agency required for each credit hour.

Grading follows the usual A-F/P-NC system with the choice to be cooperatively determined by the student and the supervising professor prior to the internship. The supervising professor, with input from the host, is responsible for recording the midterm and final grades. All performance measures and expectation are to be listed in the written application consistent with the college’s experiential learning program requirements.

A practicum or clinical is a course of study in which a qualified instructor regularly interacts and directs student outcomes, and where the actual learning environment typically takes place off-campus. The learning experience will typically involve a site supervisor, faculty member, or preceptor and directed activity or learning will occur outside a lecture setting. Concurrently, students may be enrolled in a course which outlines the expectations and requirements of the practicum.

Travel Course
Courses of study that include domestic or international travel for a set period of time. Minimum credit hours are determined based on instructional contact minutes and student outside work time. In all such instances, such courses must match the total amount of work using the examples listed above, and the qualified instructor is required to set expectations of the meeting times and student work assigned so that contact hours can be calculated.

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