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University Regulations

Attendance at Midland University is a privilege (not a right). Conscientious effort is made to motivate students toward constructive personal growth. As such, academic and personal support services are available to students in keeping with the mission of the University. Midland University, as an institution and in keeping with its standards, neither condones nor encourages the use of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs by students. The possession or use of these in University facilities is prohibited and offenders will be subject to University disciplinary action. In addition, all members of the University community should be aware of civil statutes that may apply and understand that the Midland community recognizes such authority.

The University reserves the right to involuntarily withdraw students who discontinue class attendance. Any student involved in improper conduct is subject to disciplinary action and the University reserves the right to dismiss any student when the general welfare of the campus community seems to necessitate such action. If a student has engaged in behavior that suggests a danger to self or others, or if a student’s behavior has demonstrated that the student is emotionally or psychologically incapable of functioning properly within the university setting, the University reserves the right to withdraw the student involuntarily from school. Consultation with an appropriate family member or legal guardian and psychiatrist or psychologist will be initiated as determined appropriate. Additional information about University regulations is available in the Student Handbook.


Midland University students have a right and a responsibility to regular communication regarding student life and university relations.

Emergency Response & Evacuation Procedures

Midland University has a university-wide communication system called “Send Word Now,” designed to give students, faculty, and staff immediate access to emergency announcements, notifications, and updates. The University has pre-enrolled the email address of all Midland University community members with the service. Students and staff are encouraged to provide a cell phone number to receive text message alerts. The messages can cover a range of topics, including security or safety threats, evacuations, weather-related announcements, site/building closures and delayed or early closings. Those registered for the service will automatically receive all university emergency notifications.

The other primary method of communicating about safety-related emergencies will be the Midland University website ( Depending on the situation, various communication outlets are used, including, but not limited to, email, voicemail, website postings, radio and television broadcasts, and personal contact. In an emergency, a variety of these outlets, as well as the Midland alert system, will likely be used.

Cancellation of Classes Due to Inclement Weather

Since the majority of Midland University students reside on-campus, it is the general policy of the University to hold classes if possible. Members of the faculty, staff, and commuting students are encouraged to make individual judgment as to whether or not they can safely reach the campus. In those rare instances when inclement weather forces cancellation of all university activities, notification may be made via local and regional radio and television stations, the Midland University Emergency Alert System, “the MidlandU Mobile App, social media, and/or Canvas.

Technology Use Policy

Midland University provides a variety of technology to the campus community. Every student is provided with an individual account on the Midland University network. This account gives access to Midland University computers, Internet, network storage, email, Canvas and more. Individuals who are provided access to Midland University technology, labs, and services will assume responsibility for the appropriate use of these privileges. Please direct any questions or concerns related to technology, to the online computer Help Desk at or 402-941-6270. Students should refer to the Student Handbook for more information regarding their technology responsibilities.

Information Technology

All students will be provided a Midland University email account. The purpose of these accounts is to ensure a high level of communication between faculty, staff, and students and to ensure the success of the student. Student usernames will be their first and last names separated by a period. First year students will be assisted with the accounts in their MID101 class and at New Student Registration events and all students may stop by the IT Help Desk in the Library if assistance is needed to access their accounts.

Students are required to use their Midland University email account. A student’s Midland University email is a means of official communication as is Canvas (Midland University’s Learning Management System), the student’s mailbox, and permanent mailing address. Faculty and staff often contact students using their Midland University email account and expect these accounts to be referred to on a regular basis. Midland University accounts can be set to automatically forward to a personal email of the student’s choice.

Networked computer labs are available in various locations on campus. These labs are available for general use when not reserved for classes. A schedule of open and reserved hours is posted outside each lab. Luther Library, Olson Student Center, and Anderson 306 house small clusters of Windows systems. All residence halls are wired for network access from each residence hall room and offer a cluster of Windows systems and a printer in a small lab area. Additionally, the campus is set up for wireless access for students, faculty, staff, and guests.

Midland University 1:1 Initiative

Students eligible for the Midland University 1:1 Initiative will be eligible to receive a device (Apple tablet/iPad), and its accessories (Apple Pencil, Apple AC Power Adapter, Apple Lightning Cord). Students are expected to abide by all requirements of the User Agreement as outlined.

Student’s Technology Responsibilities

Every student is given a username and password. It is the student’s responsibility to keep information secure (including passwords, personal data and files), respect the rights of others, value the integrity of the systems, act responsibly, and exhibit ethical behavior. Failure to observe federal, state and/or campus technology regulations will subject the student to the appropriate penalties. Examples of misuse include, but are not limited to:

  • Use of a Midland University computer account other than your own;

  • Use of the Midland University network to gain unauthorized access to any other computer system;

  • Knowingly committing an act that disrupts others usage of Midland University technology resources;

  • Knowingly installing or propagating software that could result in network or system performance issues;

  • Attempting to circumvent data protection and networking schemes;

  • Violating terms and stated software licensing agreements or copyright laws;

  • Use of campus technology resources for activities that are unrelated to campus productivity or are otherwise unauthorized by Midland University;

  • Masking the identity of an account or machine;

  • Use of the network to distribute information that violates laws or Midland University policies;

  • Attempting to monitor, tamper with, read, copy, change, or delete another user’s electronic communications, files, or data without their explicit permission.

Peer-to-Peer File Sharing

Midland University requires all students to comply with federal policy and law regarding legal sharing of peer-to-peer files. The University’s website defines the University’s current and effective policy. The policy is introduced and communicated in courses and posted in computer labs on the campus. Lack of compliance will lead to appropriate discipline through the judicial system of Student Development as specified in the Student Handbook.

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Midland University
900 N Clarkson St
Fremont, NE 68025
(800) 642-8382


Midland University Omaha
11213 Davenport St #100
Omaha, NE 68154
(402) 941-6226